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KISSmas Masquerade is being brought to you by Neil Davis and Brian Bell. The two are life long, die hard KISS fans like you!
Neil and Brian, along with Bill A., Jay J., and Joe D., are also the team that put on Kruise Fest in Miami.
Neil is the founder of the KISS Tribute Band, KISS America.
KISSmas Masquerade is a two day KISS themed event on Fri., & Sat., Dec. 18th & 19th, 2020. It will be held at the Sarasota Event Center located at 600 N. Beneva Road, Sarasota, Florida. The event will be LIVE STREAMED for all the KISS fans across the globe to enjoy. There will also be a limited amount of In-Person tickets to allow for adherence to prudent safety standards. KISSmas has been created for several reasons. First, it has been a tough year for most of us and we wanted to end 2020 on a high note.
Second, we wanted to have an event that gave musicians, artists, production crews, etc. an opportunity to do what they do best.
The event will include live music, merchants, silent & live auctions, KISS themed activities.
Copyright © 2020 KISSmas Masquerade - All Rights Reserved.